Scheme to preserve world's smallest cow
The Hindu
KLDB has started production of frozen semen of Vechur bulls
Dhoni Farm under Kerala Livestock Development Board
(KLDB) here has started production and distribution of frozen semen of
Vechur bulls in an effort to conserve this breed of cows.
native breed of Kerala originated from Vaikom is considered the
smallest breed in the world, said Ani S. Das, managing director of KLDB.
Till recently, the number of Indian cattle breeds was estimated at 26.
But the calendar of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) on
‘Cattle Breeds of India,' published by the National Bureau of Animal
Genetic Resources (NBAGR), showed 30 breeds.
latest addition was the Vechur cattle. Thus it became the first among
Kerala cattle, all of which were hitherto referred to as nondescript, to
get the stamp of approval as a distinct breed from ICAR.
World Watch List of Domestic Animal Diversity, published by the FAO,
has listed the Vechur cattle under the category of critical breeds,
meaning near extinct, Dr. Das said.
The credit of
saving the Vechur cattle from the brink of extinction goes to a
conservation programme undertaken by Kerala Agricultural University
(KAU). Subsequent to the studies conducted by KAU, the Vechur cow is
recognised as the smallest one in the world.
Vechur caught the attention of the scientific community, a Mexican cow
measuring one meter in height was considered the smallest. The maximum
height of a Vechur cow is 91 cm. This diminutive cow weighing 107 kg
(average) can give an average yield of three litres of milk daily which
is the yield of the Mexican cow too.
Proportionate to its body weight, the Vechur cow yields maximum milk in the world.
Highly adaptable
The small size, low food requirement, and high disease resistance made
the Vechur cattle popular for the last several centuries, Dr. Das said.
Vechur bulls, (maximum height at hump level 105 cm), are strong and
these lightweight animals are used for ploughing marshy paddy fields
typical of Kerala.
Till 1960, Vechur cattle were
very popular and abundant in Kottayam, Ernakulam, and Alappuzha
districts. Then a government programme of cross-breeding of native cows
with exotic bulls for higher milk yield resulted in the number of this
indigenous cattle gradually dwindling.
mortality has been found to be almost nil in Vechur cattle under farm
conditions. It has been observed by scientists of the KAU that these
dwarf animals are quite resistant to foot and mouth disease and
mastitis, two diseases which play havoc with hybrid cows.
analysis done in KAU supports the empirical findings of Ayurveda
physicians. The percentage of fat and total solids in the milk of Vechur
cows is higher than in crossbred cows.
So the milk
and its products are suitable for infants and the sick. Thus KLDB's
effort was to conserve and popularise Vechur cows, Dr. Das said.
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